welcome to my journal of the romantic heart!

a very warm welcome in this cold january weather we are having, i have so many projects going, and plan to show you the before and after of some them, am hoping my ambition and energy stay with me! ... i realize many folks now use facebook daily, but oh the many many gorgeous pictures to be shared on our favorite blogs! if you've made it this far, grab a cup of coffee or tea and to check out my personal favorites,there are some very talented gals out there in blogland with beautiful souls as well as photos...am hoping to share many thoughts and lovely photos with you, "Whatsoever is pure and good, think on these things..."
Blessings for this year~~~ z is for zanne

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creative Souls and Blogging

i recently joined a group known as "creative souls" and it promises to be fun, i plan to become more involved with the "blogging" art community as i have time, think it will be a great connection with artists and craftswomen~~

continuing to remember joanna and ron pieretti, from moss hill studios...ron goes in for surgery tomorrow am, praying the angels surround and that God will guide the surgeons hands, providing wisdom and fortitude~~~~ for this is a particularly long surgery~~~